Thursday, September 30, 2010

#1: Smart Idiots

Everyone knows someone like this! You either keep them around for a good laugh or you try to avoid them and hope they aren't your lab partner.

There are 2 types of Smart idiots:

A Smart Idiot is someone who thinks they know everything there is to know about everything but they really know nothing at all. If you ask them what nudiustertian means they would probably tell you its a small rodent (its not, it means the day before yesterday). But you can always learn to have fun with them and their lack of knowledge!


This is the Smart Idiot that has done countless years of schooling and/or love to watch the History/NatGeo/Discovery channel and claim to be pretty freakin' smart. They are they just have no real world skills and probably can't make it in the real world. These are the guys who look like they live with mom that sit in front of you in class and answer everything and try so hard to out do the teacher (who just wants them to shut up).

Where would the world be without Smart Idiots? There would be no one to run the government!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Douches of THE World!

You see them everywhere. They wear sunglasses inside. They wear sweatervest in the summer. They wear Uggs with miniskirts.

We feel your pain and feel the need to document and laugh at the crazy things they do!