Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#12: The "Holier Than Thou" Individuals

First off, who the hell do you think you are? These individuals come in many shapes and sizes, races, orientations, and genders. These individuals just parade around like their shit don't stink. Please legitimately explain to me HOW you THINK you are better than me? What makes this so? Because you're older? Have a better economic standing? You're in a certain organization? Umm, no. What you need to do is pump your breaks, and check yourself. No matter what religion you believe in, if you do, no one is better than anyone. We're all equal whether you shitheads want to think so or not. Everyone has and individual quality they posses that makes them great, everyone makes their life in their own way. If they're happy, then they have succeeded in life. Who are you to shit on their parade? So what if you have a bad day, or something bad happens to you? NEWS FLASH: IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE! So get off your high horse, before I knock  you the hell off it! Now normally we include a picture with our posts, but I feel like everyone can put their own individual in for this post. Because we all know someone in our lives that acts like this, all you gotta do is just dust it off and don't acknowledge them. They aren't worth it, well in everyone's head but their own.


#11: People Who Follow Charlie Sheen

Ok, i understand. It's funny that Charlie Sheen has flipped his lid and/or has started hard drug use. Also that he believes in trolls, drinks tiger blood, has a porn family, etc. It is all very quirky and entertaining but can the media please let it go! you are giving him what he wants!

It might come as a surprise that Charlie Sheen isn't the douche in this situation. Actually, i think he's hilarious. He's the reason why i say 'duh, winning' now. But obviously he is mentally ill and that is why we should just leave him alone but that is the last thing that the news is doing.

For 2 weeks now whenever i turn on my tv i see headlines like 'Charlie Sheen peed in public' or 'Charlie Sheen bit a nun.' why should we care!? This is just like any other celebrity breakdown like when Britney shaved her head or that horrible Taylor Swift picked on Kanye. if we all stop talking about it and follow it, it'll go away.  Sheen is like a child; if you ignore it it'll stop vying for attention but if it keeps going put it on NBC.