Thursday, October 14, 2010

#5: talking to yourself in 3rd person

This has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world.

Don't you just hate when you go to a party and there's that one guy with the spiked and frosted tips who thinks that everybody loves him and the lovingly refers to himself as "The Chad" or "Bradimeister"? It gets worse when they actually talk to other people calling themselves that. It's always "The Brad is hungry" or "Bradimeister in the hizz-ouse!"

Don't do it. Just do not do it! Why?

1: people will get confused and think that you are having a rad bromance with some dude when in reality it's just with yourself.

2: No one cares

3:You are obviously overcompensating for something.

4: Nobody will date a guy called "The Juiceman."

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